Entropion is the medical term used to describe rolling inward of the lower eyelid and eyelashes towards the eyeball.
The skin of the eyelid and the eyelashes rub against the cornea (the front part of the eye) and conjunctiva (the membrane that protects the eye). This rubbing can lead to excessive tearing, crusting of the eyelid, mucous discharge, foreign body sensation in the eye, irritation of the cornea and impaired vision.
Most cases of entropion are due to weakening of the tissues and small muscles of the eyelid as a result of ageing. Some cases result from scarring of the inner surface of the eyelid caused by chemical and thermal burns, inflammatory diseases such as blepharitis, ocular pemphigoid, or allergic reactions.
Entropion should be repaired surgically before the rubbing damages the cornea by causing infection and scarring. Prior to surgery, the eye can be protected by taping the lowerlid down and using lubricating drops and ointment. In some cases, stitches can be placed through the lower eyelid until more definitive surgery can be performed.
The surgery to repair entropion is usually performed under local anaesthesia as an outpatient. In most cases, your doctor will tighten the eyelid and its attachments. You may have a patch overnight and then will usually use an antibtioic drop or ointment for about a week. After your eyelids heal your eye will feel comfortable and you will no longer have the risk of corneal scarring, infection, and loss of vision..
The benefits of surgery include:
Mild discomfort
The local anaesthetic wears off in the first 2-4 hours after surgery. After this there may be mild discomfort around the wound. You may take simple pain killers such as paracetamol (Panadol) or ibuprofen(neurofen) if you have no allergies or contraindications to these medications.
Bruising & swelling
If is common to have some bruising and swelling of the eyelid or the surrounding area after eyelid surgery.
There may a small amounts or bleeding or ooze in the hours (or ever few days after surgery). This can be gently dabbed away with a clean gauze.
Bleeding may be prolonged in patients who take blood thinners such as aspirin or warfarin.
If there is excessive bleeding at any time, please put some gauze over the surgical site and apply firm pressure. If it does not stop please contact us in the rooms.
Small possibility of recurrence or over-correction of the eyelid which may require a further operation.
Depending on the underlying cause sometime the condition may recur once again. Where necessary further surgery can be offered to improve the eyelids at a suitable time.
Infection of the lid or eye.
Infection is rare after eyelid surgery. It may cause the eyelid to become increasingly red, swollen and tender a few days after surgery with some associated discharge.
If this occurs, please contact us for review as you may require antibiotics.
Allergic reaction to the local anaesthetic or the antibiotic drops.
Certain individuals may be allergic to the anaesthetic or antibiotic medications.
During the consultation a detailed history will be taken and necessary steps taken to avoid use of such medications if there is an allergy.